An April 12 luncheon buffet for physicians at Memorial Hospital of Gardena began with an assortment of salads, followed by ahi tuna with pesto, pasta with shrimp and a finale of assorted cheesecakes. Hospital leaders joined more than a dozen members of the hospital’s medical staff who were thanked for their partnership in the care of patients during this Doctors’ Day Celebration.

Pictured left to right: Farshad Nowzari, MD, Urology; Mahua Biswas, MD, chief of staff; Kathryn McLaughlin, chief nursing officer.

Pictured left to right: Behzad Noorian, MD, ID; Luke Watson, MD, pathology; Robert Giombetti, MD, neuro; and Manmohan Singh, MD, anesthesiology.

Pictured here: Mahua Biswas, MD, chief of staff (standing) and (left to right, seated) Philip Abdoush, MD, emergency medicine; Matthew Dugard, vice chief of staff; and Farshad Nowzari, MD, urology.