Tests were offered free of charge to area residents. In addition to a COVID-19 nose swab PCR test, each participant received free hand sanitizer, an N95 face mask and educational materials.
Barbara Toca called the free testing clinic “kismet,” as she needed a test for COVID and heard about the one day of free PCR testing through a community newsfeed. Toca, a Gardena resident for 25 years, is vaccinated and said she knows testing is also “so important.”
“During this most recent COVID surge, testing opportunities have been hard to come by,” said Dr. Anchal Ghai, an emergency department physician and vice chair of the medical staff at Memorial Hospital of Gardena. “We wanted to provide this special service of COVID testing at this difficult time in our community.”
Hospital Chief Executive Officer Kevan Metcalfe said, “Throughout the pandemic I have been continually inspired by the care delivered to the residents of Gardena. Our staff’s commitment to this community is incredible.”

Lopez administers COVID-19 PRC test using a nose swab to community member Derrick Im.